miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

Interview of my first book

She's one of the most popular writers of our time. Her book Velvet Chicks is on the top three of the best books of the year. "If I die tomorrow and come back to life I'll chose to be the same person", these and more in an exclusive interview with Mrs Valentine.

Written by: Janis Floyd.

What inspired you to write this book?

-Well, this book was inspired by a lot of people. First of all, it was inspired by Andy Warhol and Velvet Underground. I was 16 years old when I started writing this book and I liked listing to Velvet Underground so I decided to give a new life to those names that were named in the songs. Then I realised that those characters were people that circulated around Andy so, I tried to use all the famele names of his popstars. Also it was inspired by my friends and my experiences in life, in some way I'm my own child.

What does it mean, 'being your own child'?

-Every storie, book or poem I write is like my child. They' re my babes, I made them with all my love. So they're better than me just like kids are better than thier parents, and parents are proud of it. But I'm my own child because all of them have something about me.

There' re a lot of stories about love, what do you think about it?

-Obviously I like love, and in the book I show different kinds of love because I've loved in so many ways. I can't live without love, no one cans. When you love you live in another way, it makes you feel like you're a better person. Actually I'm in love with my boyfriend, he's the best because he makes me feel like I'm a good person. I'm crazy about him and his love.

That's also another topic about the book, madness. What is it for you?

-It's very hard to describe. I think everyone is crazy in some way and for different reasons. Madness is another thing I love because no one knows exactly what it is but for people that is curious, like me, it makes it more interesting.

Madness is asosiated with drugs, do you do drugs?

-First of all the question that you ask is very personal. But I don't care telling people the truth, so yes I did. I used to, now I don't take drugs. It was fun at the moment, until a friend of mine died. It shocked me a lot and I decided not to do drugs for fun, you have to be responsable for your actions or they can lead you to death.

Are you afraid of dying?

-I don't know. Sometimes I fall sleep crying because I don' t want people that I love to die, other nights I think that no one will care if I die. I realise that I don't want to die because I want to do things to change people minds. But dying is inevitable, it's part of life and I can't change that. Maybe I don't really care dying because I can't fix it. The only thing I know is that if I die tomorrow and come back to life I'll chose to be the same person.

What does your family think about your success?

-At the begining they didn't know what to think or what to say. Some of the stories reflect our lifes when I was a kid, so it was very difficult for them to know how I felt about it and the person I was at that time. They could see me true colours, know I feel a little bit exposed but at the end I know that they're proud of me.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Publicacion 101 y me sorprende, es como una ventana a un supuesto futuro q es real hasta q se demuestre lo contrario.
Noto q en esta etapa de tu vida estarias mucho mas positiva q en la otra nota, eso le da mas realismo al leer las dos juntas, me gusta.
Y quiero sacarme la duda: el amigo q murio por las drogas fue mauro, no? jajajaja
"if I die tomorrow and come back to life I'll chose to be the same person." (buenisimo)
Te amo nena, yo tmb estoy orgulloso.