I feel so rubbish when I'm around her.
It seems like she's better than me in so many ways,
that I can't compete with her.
I will never be enough,
I'm not that pretty girl
everybody falls in love with.
I'm just a fat girl,
trying to look nice
wearing some rich kid suit.
That's why I lie to you,
I do feel jealous about everything.
If I ask you one more thing
do you swear to tell the truth?
Do you still love her?
What do you think about your mom?
Why do you wanna hurt your sister?
Why do you wanna destroy our lifes?
I'm so afraid of losing.
Please forgive me, my love.
I'm not your one,
I'm everything you're not,
you're my nemesis,
I can't never see what's right.
You've become in someone
I wouldn't even reconise.
I'll never change,
I still think I'm the ugliest one.
I'm so sad,
I'm so stupid,
I'm so crazy.
I always believe in people I can't trust,
in people that kills me as I breathe.
1 comentario:
Nada de eso, sos una persona GENIAl Tere. E interesante como ninguna, no lo olvides.
Te qiero :)
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